Merited Professional Videographer or “MPV” accreditation is not given to anyone, it must be earned, and there are less than 20 MPV’s in the world.
In 2007 owner Todd Gukelberger put himself company to the test and walked away with confirmation that he is a skilled, thoughtful videographer; a master editor; and a hard worker.
“The Wedding and Event Videographers Association International (WEVA) Merited Professional Videographer program is a way to recognize the professional wedding and event videographer who is uniquely dedicated to his or her craft, and to the success of a vital and growing creative service industry,” states the International Wedding Videographer’s Association website.
A videographer who earns the honor of having MPV accreditation puts his knowledge and experience to the test through a written examination and his work to the test through scrutiny by his peers, who themselves have achieved high status and acclaim within the industry.